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Just like the printed Guide, this is your easy reference Contents page. The panels below represent the main sections in this online version of the Guide. Once you enter your chosen section, you see the navigation for the sub-sections within that main section on the right hand side. To go to the next page, go back a page, or return to this contents page, just look for the ‘WHERE TO NEXT’ navigation buttons at the bottom of the page.

A guide for parents
Understanding Learning Difficulties – A Guide for Parents
The difference between a learning difficulty and a learning disability
A guide for parents
What do we know about types of learning disabilities?
 Identifying and diagnosing specific learning disabilities
Identifying and diagnosing specific learning disabilities
 Selecting a successful intervention program
Selecting a successful intervention program
Let’s look at the use of Assistive Technology
Let’s look at the use of Assistive Technology
Supporting students with learning disabilities
Supporting students with learning disabilities
Children with learning disabilities may have low self-esteem
Children with learning disabilities may have low self-esteem